Sunday, February 17, 2008

Is there a seal in our house?

Ellie has had a relatively healthy winter compared to the last two winters. For the past two years, Ellie generally caught a cold or some bug every 10-14 days. This meant a lot of time out of work for us. This year she has only been out a few times and the ilnesses were shorter lived than before. All of them except the croup from earlier this winter. The croup was awful. Ellie was so sick and would eat only popsicles for a couple days. No one got much sleep and she was out of school for the week. Not fun at all for anyone.

Well, it's baaaaaaacccccckkkkk!

Last night Ellie had a babysitter while Lori and I went to see a play. When we got home everything appeared to be fine and Ellie was sleeping peacefully. At 3:30 this morning I woke up to a strange sound over the monitor so I went to check it out. When I walked into Ellie's room, I heard her cough and knew instantly that either she had the croup or there was a seal in her bed. Ellie looked at me and said, "Ellie coughing. Ellie sick", which answered that question. So we whisked her outside to breathe in some very cold air, which was what we were told to do last time. It seemed to help and she settled down into bed with us with a little wheezing. This morning she seems better but has a slight fever and that glassy eyed look of a sick kid. Lucky for us, Lori was already planning to stay home with Ellie tomorrow because her day care is closed in honor of President's Day. We're just hoping this isn't as bad as last time - I'm not sure that any of the three of us could handle that again!

It's 9:05 am and it means that now it's a reasonable time to call the pediatrician without appearing to be the crazy parent!

Mama talking to the pediatrician (She told us just to wait this out and see what happens tonight. Croup usually lasts for a few nights so we'll expect coughing and wheezing again. We only have to go to the ER like last time for medication if she's having trouble breathing.)

Ellie's croup/potty training outfit - the sweatshirt and socks to keep warm but no pants to quickly pull the Pull Up down when it's time to potty!


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear she is sick again...I though the croup went out with high button shoes!!!! do not hear about it much...Keep the upper half warm, and hope she gets to the potty in time!!!! will talk to you ya

3dingsandadog said...

I remember when Kyleigh was always sick..I swear it is from daycare. The upside...she will probably not get that many colds when she is in reg. school..(Kyleigh didn't)
By that time though you will have another little one in daycare! Good luck..
It won't last forever :(

Hope Ellie is feeling better

Jess(ica) said...

I hope Ellie is feeling better soon! She is so cute in those pics, even when she is sick!

johnna said...

Love and good health to the 3P! Take good care of that precious girl and I know you do.
Grandpa C

not2brightGRAM said...

Oh, I remember those days!

Elizabeth had a cough that was indescribable--- a barking seal DOES come close. After several visits to the doctor, and his not comprehending the severity because she NEVER coughed like that in his presence, I tape-recorded her cough one night, and brought it in with us the next day.

That got us an instant referral to a specialist later that day, and it turned out she had RSV.

I'll never forget the sound of that cough...

I hope Ellie bounces back quickly!