Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rainy weekend

It has been raining since yesterday morning so we've been finding fun indoor activities to do this weekend. Yesterday Mimi and Boppa spent the day here with us. They took Ellie to gymnastics and then Ellie helped Boppa fix the shelf underneath our sink. We all love it when Mimi and Boppa come over! So far today, Ellie has helped make pancakes, built a blanket and chair fort, and tormented her baby sister. The day has only begun!

Hard working Ellie helps Boppa fix the sink area! Thanks to Boppa, she now has her very own tool belt with some real tools and some not-so-real tools, too. Boppa also added a little flair to her tool belt.

And here's to the tormented younger sisters (although Audrey doesn't seem to mind the harassing!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Three Months Old

Audrey is three months old today! She is one big and strong girl. She weighs 16 pounds 2 ounces and is starting to wear size 6-9 months. She can hold her head and chest off the ground for longer periods and can even roll over from belly to back. Audrey is also starting to try to sit up. When she's in a semi-reclined position, she pulls her head up so that she's sitting (see pictures below from this morning). This girl wants to go places! She is usually sleeping 10 hours through the night and wakes us up with coos and a smile. Audrey is also developing a beautiful relationship with her big sister. Audrey is the first and last thing Ellie wants to see everyday. Audrey treats Ellie with lots of big grins accompanied by swinging arms! We're all in love with this sweet, sweet girl.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Beach day

We celebrated the beginning of fall by hitting the beach today! It was a beautiful day so we met our friend, Joan, at a nearby beach and had a glorious day! First we spent a couple hours at the aquarium on the boardwalk, which Ellie had never been to, and then a couple hours at the beach.

Feeding time for the seals! We got to watch them eat and do a few tricks. Best of all, there weren't very many people there so we got to sit right at the pool's edge. Later we also watched the penguins feeding time - they are adorable and Ellie's favorite part of the aquarium!

Mommy Seal

Baby Seal

At the beach, Ellie was the bravest she has ever been near the ocean. She played in the water with Lori and with Aunt Joan - running away from the surf and jumping over the water rolling in. We were so proud of her! She also loved building sandcastles with Aunt Joan and digging with her shovels! By the end of the day she was freezing and you could see her shivering from a mile away but we still had to drag her away from the water and from Aunt Joan!

Lunch? Sand and blue cotton candy!

Audrey's first trip to the beach!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday's Adventures

"We're going to make cupcakes! What are cupcakes?"

"Don't worry, baby sister, I'll show you!"

Ellie discovers a new kind of spoon!

"I will get every drop of batter off this thing!"

"And every drop off this one, too!"

Ellie wanted orange frosting today...

and she loved licking up the "accidentally" dropped globs of it!

Someone wanted frosting and cake batter, too!

Later we went for a walk and stopped at the playground on the way home...

"Look at me! I'm pushing baby sister by myself!"

"Help me."