Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wedding Pictures Part 3

These are pictures from the actual wedding day. We didn't take many pictures - we wanted to relax and enjoy ourselves and let the photographer do her job!

Tesia getting her hair done that afternoon

Mimi and Audrey at the hair salon

I didn't get any good pictures of Tesia's wedding dress but you can see it here a bit at the reception. It was a beautiful dress and of course she looked gorgeous in it! The reception was held that evening right after the wedding. Here Tesia is dancing with Ellie, the flower girl.

Ellie danced the entire night! She danced more than anyone else there and even danced with people she had just met that weekend! Here she's dancing with me.

We had practiced sprinkling the flower petals the night before at the hotel and she totally got it, but once she entered the wedding she was a bit overwhelmed and we were just happy she made it down the aisle! I walked with her carrying Audrey who had on her own flower girl dress while Lori waited at the end of the aisle, encouraging Ellie to come down. However, at the reception she remembered how to sprinkle the petals and put them all around the table with the cake....

and when she ran out, she picked them up and did it again!

Jana and Audrey

The beautiful and delicious wedding cake

Tesia arranged for the bakery to make an eggless cupcake that looked like the cake. It was great and we so appreciate how Tesia wanted to make Ellie feel like she got the same cake we got. Ellie never knew the difference!

Ellie dancing with Aunt TT and Uncle Ty

Ellie asleep on the way home. Both girls did great again on the drive back - Ellie found things to do in the car and Audrey slept most of the way. If we didn't know before this vacation that we have two terrific daughters, we certainly do now!

It was a wonderful vacation for us and an absolutely perfect wedding! We had such a good time with our family and enjoyed the opportunity to get to know our new brother-in-law even better. We are so thrilled for Tesia and Ty and wish them every happiness!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a great trip and bet was nice being with family and enjoy visiting ...that is one of the nice things about "special occasions"...

Anonymous said...

It was a trip, and the pictures are great, but can't do justice to how beautiful and really wonderful your two girls were!

Jess(ica) said...

Seems like you all had a lot of fun! I wonder if Ellie will dance, swim or be a gymist when she grows up... maybe all 3 =)