Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Week

Halloween isn't officially until tomorrow, but in our household we've been celebrating all week! The girls each have several Halloween outfits and have been wearing them to school every day this week. Ellie and I even made Halloween Rice Krispie treats last night for her to share with her friends today at snack time. The girls don't usually go to daycare on Friday, but tomorrow is of course a special day! We'll take them in the morning for the parade and the pumpkin patch in the playground. Later in the afternoon we'll go trick-or-treating with our friends in their neighborhood and then it's off to a party. We're sure to have one exhausted ballerina and one pooped turtle by bedtime tomorrow night! Happy Halloween to everyone!


Audrey didn't have a Halloween outfit for Monday, but that didn't stop Lori and Ellie from dressing her up!



Ellie's shirt says "I'm Boooo-tiful!"...

and Audrey's says "Boo to You!".

Baby's First Boo!

Audrey slept through the Rice Krispie treat making and eating!


Big Boo and Little Boo

Happy First Halloween, Audrey!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Four Months Old

How time flies! At four months old, Audrey continues to be an absolutely delightful baby. She is very calm, laid back, and flexible; all good traits for a second baby. She sleeps 11 hours at night, although every once in a while she'll wake up in the middle of the night for about 30 minutes and talk to herself in bed before falling back asleep. Things she loves: her hands (always in the mouth), her tongue, trying to blow raspberries, and talking! She is growing more and more in awe of her big sister as she becomes more aware of her surroundings. She likes to sit in her seat and watch Ellie play. Ellie refers to her as "my best friend" and "my girl". And of course she continues to be our big baby - today's weight was 17 pounds 12 ounces.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Family fall fun

Well, our original weekend plans were thwarted by a little wheezing yesterday morning, but we still had fun! We had planned to go to the Crayola Factory on Saturday and stay the night. Unfortunately, Ellie woke up wheezing yesterday and we had to cancel our mini-vacation. Being home ended up being a good thing for all of us though (right, Boppa?!?). We got some things done around the house, including somebody's birthday invitations, and are ready and organized for the week. Best of all, today we went pumpkin picking! There are a ridiculous amount of photos here - there's just something about the fall colors and two cute kids that keeps us snapping pictures!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Back to the grind

No blogging in two weeks - can you tell I went back to work?!?!

There has been little time for anything during the week except getting ready to go to work/school, dropping the girls off at school, going to work, picking up the girls from school, going home, eating dinner, getting ready for the next day, and going to bed! The mornings and evenings are very busy, but I must say that we all have adjusted well to our new routine. Although I miss the girls terribly during the day, Audrey has adapted to daycare and has bonded well with her head teacher (who was the head teacher when Ellie was in the baby room, too!). I have also adjusted to having a real alarm clock wake me up at 5 am and having to get dressed before noon.

We've also had a little fun these past two weeks! Last weekend my cousin and her two children came to visit from the Boston area. Ellie had such an amazing time with the kids! And then this past week, we had the special treat of getting to see Lori's stepsister and her family while they were in our area for a conference. It was a brief visit but a nice surprise! This weekend we're having a mini-vacation in Pennsylvania - it's only one night but Ellie cannot wait to get to the hotel! She told me that she's bringing her money so she can buy a skirt or candy at the hotel!

Photos from Mimi and Boppa's house....

Audrey continues to babble all day and she has recently discovered that her tongue can help in the noise-making so here is a one minute video of her trying very hard to talk! It's a little hard to hear her because she's not nearly as loud as all of us laughing at her :-)