Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Week

Halloween isn't officially until tomorrow, but in our household we've been celebrating all week! The girls each have several Halloween outfits and have been wearing them to school every day this week. Ellie and I even made Halloween Rice Krispie treats last night for her to share with her friends today at snack time. The girls don't usually go to daycare on Friday, but tomorrow is of course a special day! We'll take them in the morning for the parade and the pumpkin patch in the playground. Later in the afternoon we'll go trick-or-treating with our friends in their neighborhood and then it's off to a party. We're sure to have one exhausted ballerina and one pooped turtle by bedtime tomorrow night! Happy Halloween to everyone!


Audrey didn't have a Halloween outfit for Monday, but that didn't stop Lori and Ellie from dressing her up!



Ellie's shirt says "I'm Boooo-tiful!"...

and Audrey's says "Boo to You!".

Baby's First Boo!

Audrey slept through the Rice Krispie treat making and eating!


Big Boo and Little Boo

Happy First Halloween, Audrey!


Anonymous said...

Isn't this what it's all about? Seeing them enjoy the fun, seeing them dressed up and smiling? It does it for me! Have fun, Ellie! Next year, Audrey, you'll be out there too enjoying a little more!

Anonymous said...

looks like you are sure celebrating the Halloween occasion..this was a day I never you remember how your dad use to take you kids out for Trick and Treating?....the pictures sure are cute....

Jess(ica) said...

Lovin' all the costumes and outfites! They are both getting so big! I can't wait to see them NEXT WEEKEND!!!