Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween 2008

We had an amazing day yesterday! We had lots of fun activities to celebrate Halloween and to top it off, the weather was perfect. We started out the day with the costume parade at school, which both girls participated in. After nap time, I took them to Lori's office to treat-or-treat there. Then we went to our friends' house for our big trick-or-treating followed by a pizza party at their house. We were all exhausted by the time we got home, but it was worth it. I think that this was one of the best day's Ellie has ever had!


Our little ballerina

Showing off her bun, which is how real ballerinas wear their hair, in case you didn't know!

The cutest turtle ever!

The costume parade at school

Ellie and the famous Miss S! Ellie isn't quite looking at the camera because she was terrified of the "scary" puppy costume one of the dads was wearing!


Trick-or-treating around the playground

Ellie picked a big pumpkin from the playground pumpkin patch!

All the kids!

Some of the gang before going out last night

Vallet stroller parking! Three babies were celebrating their first Halloween yesterday.
Our friend's husband was laughing before we went out because there were three babies nursing in his house at the same time and none of them were his :-)

Audrey enjoyed the stroll around the neighborhood being pushed by our friend's parents.

Ellie was a pro at trick-or-treating this year! She ran from house to house and was SO excited about her loot! When we got home we exchanged the items with eggs or nuts for other treats we had bought ahead of time. Our good girl didn't mind it one bit because she still got lots of special treats.

Hungry and tired!

It was a wonderful day and we're all excited about next year already when little Audrey will be trick-or-treating, too! Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

It's easy to see why Ellie had such a fabulous day. There was fun around every corner - except for that scary puppy!

Audrey looks adorable even though she doesn't know what is going on. Wouldn't you love to know what she's thinking about all of this?

So glad you had fun!!

Jess(ica) said...

Oh! your day looks like it was so much fun. The girls look sooooo cute in their costumes! =)

john-tiffani-taylor-hannah said...

How cute! Taylor loved it soo precious to look at the world thru a child's eyes. (Taylor enjoyed looking at the pics of Ellie & Audrey!)

3dingsandadog said...

What a fun day. Great costumes.
We had a great day, too. Our only exception was that it rained. That did not stop the kids though!!!