Friday, September 5, 2008

Sunflower seed butter cookies

Ellie and I are back to our baking sessions this week! Wednesday we made sunflower seed butter cookies. Ellie has always tested negative for any nut allergies, but it is recommended that kids with any food allergies don't eat tree nuts until they are 5 years old. We found sunflower seed butter, which is a great alternative to peanut butter; it has the same texture and consistency and very similar taste. Since it was recommended that I also avoid nuts during my pregnancy with Audrey and while nursing her in hopes of reducing her risk for food allergies, I eat it now too and love it. My mom found a recipe from Trader Joe's for cookies that look and taste just like peanut butter cookies and they have quickly become our household favorite! Ellie likes making them because the fork marks are so fun to do!


Anonymous said...

She definitely does love them. I have seen her taste and reject lots of other cookies or try them and then ask someone to hold them. I have never seen her do that with her "peanutbutter" cookies.

3dingsandadog said...


Four peas in a pod said...

They taste EXACTLY like Peanut Butter cookies. Maybe my "buds" are getting old, I don't know, but man are they good!

Stop making them!!!
