Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Odds 'n' Ends

Life with a 12 week old and a 2 1/2 year old....

- There is an ice cream truck that cruises through our neighborhood twice a day. When he drives by, Ellie gets excited and yells, "The music truck!". If you ask her about the music truck, she'll explain that it drives around all day playing music for the children. She has no idea that he also sells ice cream. I have a feeling that won't last next summer!

- Audrey is our little over achiever! She has rolled from her stomach to her back four times now - at 9 days, 6 weeks, 11 weeks, and 12 weeks. I think it's a manifestation of how much she hates tummy time! We also think that she's teething - she drools incessantly and now sucks her bottom lip all day.

- A few weeks ago, Ellie and I ran into our local convenience store for a cup of coffee. They didn't have decaf brewed though so I explained to Ellie that I couldn't drink the other kind. Two weeks later, I was walking out of CVS with Ellie and asked her if she would mind running into the same convenience store with me to get coffee....

Ellie: OK and maybe this time they'll have decaf.

Jana: What?!?

Ellie: You know, the kind in the orange cup!

- Audrey has slept through the night for the past two nights! She slept for 9 hours both nights. Her definition of morning still needs a little work though - today she woke up at 4 am but luckily went back to sleep after nursing until 6:30!

- Ellie's vocabulary grows by the day. Some of my favorite words and phrases...

hostipal = hospital

walla = water

yesterday = anything that happened before today, whether it actually was yesterday or 6 months ago

tomorrow = any day in the future

"That's a good idea!"

"Mama/Mommy, come here, I have a surprise for you!" (said from the bathroom every time she poops)

- Audrey has the cutest dimples! She has three - one in each cheek (to match her sister's) and one in her chin.

- Have I ever mentioned that Ellie LOVES onions. She picks them out of everything to eat first. Tonight we had tacos for dinner and she picked every piece of raw onion out of her taco and then she picked out every cooked piece of onion from the taco meat! This was before she ate the meat itself, the cheese, and the shell. She has such funny eating habits!

Life is certainly never boring around here!


Four peas in a pod said...

Mama, you have captured the joyful moments quite well!

I love how you blog about our girls. I love you. You are a great parent!!!


Lori (aka mommy)

3dingsandadog said...

I can't believe she knew what decaf was! Actually, I can. She is so smart :)

Anonymous said...

Aren't they growing up so nicely and so smart too? Thanks to Mommy and Mama's constant efforts, attention, and love.

Jess(ica) said...

I love this post... all the fun little tidbits!