Friday, February 22, 2008

Snow day!

Today is our first real snow storm of the year! We have about 5-6 inches on the ground now, although unfortunately it has started to rain so that snow will be covered with a thin sheet of ice in a few hours. Ellie and I couldn't wait to get outside to play!

Ellie is ready for some fun in her snowsuit and boots!
Her first fall happened quickly....
and she HATED having cold, wet hands! Oops, we forgot to put mittens on.
The solution was wearing the gloves from my coat pocket.
Where are my feet?!?!
Ellie has a book about Frosty the Snowman that we still read before bedtime a few nights a week. In it, some of the kids are making snow angels and she always points at them. Since she woke up this morning, she's been asking to go outside and "make angels". I'm not sure she realized exactly what was involved in that!
Ellie's first snow angel!
Mama's snow angel (I'm sure it made for quite a sight, watching the pregnant lady get up without disturbing her creation but also trying not to fall on her bottom!)
The cold and snow didn't have the same appeal to Ellie after we lay down in it so she was ready to go back inside in less time than it took to get ready to go out!
Come inside where it's warm, mama!


Four peas in a pod said...

Oh I am so sorry since I was at work I missed out on getting down in the cold snow and making my own angel!!

ah, Not.


Jess(ica) said...

Looks like it was a fun adventure! =)

Anonymous said...

how I remember getting you kids ready to go out and play in the snow when we lived in NY....and your right, longer to get ready than the time you were out!!!! always had to go potty!!! cold weather will do that.........!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ellie is our snow angel! Snow can look very deceiving. She'll get the hang of it as she gets older.

johnna said...

We're so happy that Ellie has bounced back from illness and out their in the snow!
Grandpa Clark