Friday, February 1, 2008

Rainy Friday

(By JPC)

Ellie and I are stuck home today. It's raining outside and I have a bad cold so we're both still in our pajamas. We've gotten a lot done though....

Rain, rain, go away...

We played with Ellie's Little People set (she put the baby in time-out for hitting)...

Ellie did her dishes...

And then we did laundry...

After lunch and a nap, we made biscuits for snack time...

Unfortunately, Ellie eventually got bored with all the inside time so she packed her backpack, suitcase, and baby and hit the road...


Anonymous said...

Even a boring day at home is good when you have great company! You both needed a day to rest. I wish Lori had been able to share in it too.

3dingsandadog said...

It's nice to be able to stay home on a rainy day..Jana I hope you are feeling better...