Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mama's little helper

Ellie loves to help out in the kitchen so I try to bake a special treat at least once a week with her. Something that she can help with but also enjoy. Usually I measure everything out, she pours it into the bowl, and mixes everything up (making for flour everywhere!). Today we made delicious cinnamon rolls and she loved both parts, the making and the eating!

She starts asking to eat the batter/dough the minute we begin stirring.

The best thing about the egg-free diet is no worries about raw eggs in the batter!

Our finished product!


Anonymous said...

They look great and Boppa says they really were. She is really our little chef!

Anonymous said...

boy, I wish I could just reach in a grap one...they look so good...they are my favorite kind of time you come to town (with out a cold!!!) you'll have to make some here....