Thursday, July 31, 2008

Newest pictures

We've had a good week and gotten lots of things done that have been on the to-do list. We also weighed Audrey this week and at 5 weeks old she now weighs 12 1/2 pounds! And to think I was worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat :-)

Ellie helping Boppa put the finishing touches on our new cabinets. They are done and we can't wait to start reorganizing the kitchen to use them!

There seems to be a lot of pictures of Audrey sleeping on this blog - that's because that's how she spends 95% of her time!

Ellie kept Audrey entertained on her play mat for quite a while! Audrey was talking to Ellie and trying to move over towards her, which Ellie just loves.


Anonymous said...

They really are sisters! I think Audrey knows it already.

Jess(ica) said...

Those pictures are so precious!!

Anonymous said...

Being half of a close sister connection, it is so heart-warming to see these two together.
Great job, you two!