Monday, July 21, 2008


Today was a big day for Audrey - her first bottle and her first real bath!

Although I plan to continue nursing Audrey for as long as possible (10-12 months), she'll be fed from a bottle when she goes to daycare starting in October. Our pediatrician recommends that if your baby is going to be bottle-fed at some point, she needs to be introduced to the bottle before 4 weeks. Well, since Audrey will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, we thought it was a good idea to do that today! I've been delaying it because nursing is much easier this time around and I really dislike pumping. Audrey took the bottle well although I underestimated the amount - she seemed hungry when she was done but didn't want to take another bottle. We'll keep trying every few days! Ellie loved helping to feed her the bottle. She has been talking about this since I was pregnant!

Audrey's reaction to the bath was a little more ambiguous. We put her bathtub in the big bathtub with Ellie. Ellie absolutely loved it!


Jess(ica) said...

What an awesome big sister Ellie is to cute little Audrey!! I can't get over how adorable Ellie's big smile is! I can't help but smiling right back at her!

Anonymous said...

I believe that Audrey has grown even more! She is amazing and absolutely gorgeous with those big blue eyes. Isn't it great to see more and more interaction between the two sisters! You guys had a great idea to put Audrey's tub into Ellie's tub. Before you know it they will really be in the big tub together.

Four peas in a pod said...

I cannot wait to see them playing together!!!

Ellie can hardly contain herself either!
