Sunday, July 27, 2008


Sometimes I can't imagine how Audrey actually fit inside me, but then I see her snuggled up asleep and can picture it. She loves to snuggle and would prefer to sleep in the crook of your arm rather than anyplace else!


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! She is just a tiny little angel - and snuggly too!

Jess(ica) said...

awww how cute! I wonder what she dreams about?!

Four peas in a pod said...

She must dream about food because she's always hungry when she wakes up! And you should hear all the noise she makes when she's sleeping!!


Anonymous said...

I would never have believed that she makes those noises until I heard it. I have never heard an infant make that much noise - without crying! She is such an angel!

Jess(ica) said...

You should try and get those sleeping noises on video... =)