Thursday, July 24, 2008

Tornado warning

Yesterday there was a tornado warning in our area. This wasn't something that we ever thought we'd have to worry about! An actual tornado hadn't been spotted, but they were reporting that the conditions were right for one to form and residents in our area should seek shelter. With two kids, we were not ones to take chances so here we are in the storage area under our closet. We told Ellie we were camping and playing hide and seek. It felt a little silly but better safe than sorry!

(And for those of you who are wondering, Mimi took the picture and was ready to dash in to join us if we heard a train sound - isn't that what tornadoes are supposed to sound like? Until then, Mimi stood at the front door and reported to us what it looked like. Lori and I were cracking up because she was telling us things like, "The birds are still flying", "Your neighbor is in her front yard drinking a glass of water", and my personal favorite, "A cat just walked past. I've never seen a cat around here. Oh, wait, that's not a cat; it's a chihuahua!".)


Four peas in a pod said...

Oh man, I'm at work and I can't stop laughing! It was a pretty new experience for me. Growing up in California and living through a big one in Seattle, I am use to earthquake worries, not tornados for crying-out-loud! I was appreciative for the fact there is some type of warning. Earthquakes are unnerving that you have nada. do I have to worrying about living somewhere with a basement????



Anonymous said...

Now don't laugh at me! I really believe that I could outrun a tornado! Somebody had to monitor the situation.

Jess(ica) said...

LOL about the cat/chiuaua (don't think I spelled that right...). It's definitely better to be safe than sorry! Sounds like it was quite the adventure!! haha