Friday, August 1, 2008

Big smiles!

Audrey smiled spontaneously from birth, but recently she has begun to smile purposely. Two nights ago when she woke up for the third time that night to eat (which is rare), I left her in her bed for a bit in hopes that she would fall back asleep. I finally gave up on that and got out of bed to get her. When I leaned over her bassinet she started waving her arms and gave me the best open-mouthed gummy grin! She knows how to warm her mama's heart, especially at 3 am. The pictures below are from today when I was talking to her....


Cami said...

Now she is really showing her personality! :o) Adorable!

Anonymous said...

What a great grin! If you are going to get your parents up at 3 am to feed you, a big smile surely does help motivate them. That and the crying!