Friday, August 1, 2008


Since Audrey and I came home from the hospital, I have been trying to spend time alone with Ellie. Let's face it, it's easier to manage a newborn than a 2 year old so when you add that to the time spent nursing and providing other newborn care that you have to do, the toddler gets less attention. On the weekends and when Lori gets home from work in the evenings, I've been trying to do something with Ellie. Tonight it was decorating a cake for Lori to bring to Girls' Night at our friend's house. As you'll see in the evidence below, there were sprinkles everywhere!

Our finished product!


Cami said...

Hey "J"!! I love your blog, especially the cuute pictures of Eleanor's gorgeous smile!

Anonymous said...

Yum! What a cake! You two are doing an amazing job of assisting Ellie in getting adjusted to her new situation and job as big sister. She is doing very, very well. I am so proud of you both.

3dingsandadog said...

Are there more sprinkles on the cake or Ellie??? Looks like she is having a ball!