Thursday, August 21, 2008

Embarassing baby moment

Yesterday the library organized a sing along for kids and families. It was my first day home alone with both girls and we were definitely looking for something to do! There were about 20-25 kids and their parents there. When the high school aged volunteers where getting started, they were asking the kids lots of questions about songs they like. You can imagine that it was pretty loud with that many kids. Right before they started, the volunteer yelled out, "OK, let's get started!". You could have heard a pin drop. I was impressed that the kids quieted down so quickly.

However, this is when Audrey decided she had to poop. In the middle of this silence, all everyone (and I do mean everyone) heard was the very loud sound of Audrey's incredibly forceful pooping. Kids and adults all turned to look at me; no one smiled or even laughed like I would have! I mean, we all have kids and we know this stuff happens at the worst moments so you have to laugh.

I had a choice then - make Ellie come with me to the bathroom and change Audrey right away, making Ellie miss the beginning and losing our good spot on the floor OR stay for the sing along and change her later. Well, even though everyone knew my baby had a diaper full of poop (and if they didn't hear it then they could definitely smell it!), I sat on the floor and let Ellie enjoy the whole sing along. As my pediatrician says, the newborn won't remember these days but your toddler will. So sorry, Audrey, about the poopy diaper, but your sister was busy belting out I'm A Little Teapot! I'm sure you'll pay us back someday.


Anonymous said...

What! No sense of humor from the library patrons! I am really surprised that a room full of parents didn't get that one. Maybe their children pooped in their diapers before the sing-a-long like good little children. You go, Audrey! You got everyone back with that yucky smell!!! I am a little surprised that Ellie didn't announce loudly that Audrey had pooped!

3dingsandadog said...

That is hilarious!!! I can't believe no one laughed!!!

Jess(ica) said...

That's crazy no one even cracked a smile! I would have been laughing...