Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Audrey sleeps in our room in the bassinet feature of the Pack 'n' Play. Attached to the side of her bed is a small mobile that came with it. It has three very small teddy bears that hang from it, but the mobile doesn't have any sort of automatic way to make it spin. Despite that, Audrey loves this mobile. We'll catch her laying in her bed and laughing at them sometimes. Ellie and I found her in there today just grinning away at them!


Anonymous said...

She may be quiet, but not a lot gets by that gorgeous baby girl! I love Ellie's laughing in the background. She loves her baby sistah!

Anonymous said...

We got new phones this week with internet access so i'm testing it out in the car on the way to va! Jana

Anonymous said...

I can't access "you tube" but bet its adorable. I hope she keeps an
interest in teddy bears because I have a "store" full of them !! They are just waiting for someone to hug them.
Be careful on the road this weekend . Have fun!!

johnna said...

Its hard to believe that Audrey is over 2 months old. Time goes by so fast! You seem to be able to post videos and photos faster than we can comment, but, don't worry, we check every day to feel the joy watching this beautiful family grow.