Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday at home

This weekend we did our first outings with both girls. On Friday we took them to the Farmers' Market nearby where Ellie gets a pickle on a stick every time and we also got the best blueberries that I've had this summer. Friday was also my first day driving again - yay! On Saturday we went to the grocery store for a big trip and today we went to Target. Since we all went, we pushed the girls in separate carts; I'm not sure what we'll do without Lori to push the second cart! Ellie was thrilled to get out this weekend and Audrey just slept everytime we went anywhere.

I filmed the video below this morning. I was in the kitchen and the girls were in the living room. When I came out of the kitchen, I found Ellie reading her new library book to Audrey. It was so sweet!

Today we also went to the swimming pool. The video is just a quick clip of our little fish jumping into the pool. Audrey and I enjoyed watching them swim from the shade!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how quickly Audrey has been assimilated into the family!!! Less than 3 weeks ago she wasn't even here, now she's being read to by her wonderful big sister. It's a wonderful life!

Jess(ica) said...

That video of Ellie reading to Audrey is priceless! How awesome!