Friday, June 20, 2008

OB appointment update

Well, I'm still pregnant!

There are 8 or 9 OB's in the practice that I use so for my visit today I saw someone that I've never seen before. We talked again about the size of the baby and I told him about my fears - I don't want a C-section if possible and I don't want to go through some of the problems that I had after delivering Ellie that made my recovery more difficult. To me, inducing now before the baby gains even more weight seems like the best option to decrease some of these possibilities. However, he explained to us that research has shown that inducing a birth due to the size of the baby actually results in a higher rate of C-sections. Who would have known?

The plan now is for me to go back on Monday for an ultrasound to get a good estimate of how big the baby really is. I think that this is to find out whether or not the baby is big enough that an induction is worth the risk of increasing the chances of a C-section. The other change is my plan for work. I worked the day before I was induced with Ellie so I had planned to work all of next week, but the OB changed this so that today was my last day of work. It can be unnerving to have your plans changed, but I'm realizing that this is not such a bad thing for me. Ellie will still be in school and I will truly be able to rest next week before the baby comes.

And most importantly, since I wasn't induced today, Ellie can still go to the two birthday parties tomorrow that she was invited to. One has pony rides so it would have been a tragedy to miss that :-)

I'll post another update after my ultrasound on Monday!


Anonymous said...

The end of a pregnancy really can be unnerving. Things are really out of your control, and there is nothing you can do so sit back and enjoy the ride. She has got to arrive soon!

not2brightGRAM said...

I agree with Mimi.

I remember sitting on my bed, crying, thinking that Rebecca might NEVER be born (didn't know it was Rebecca at that time--- no ultrasounds in the 1970s).

My pragmatic mother reminded me that sooner or later, all babies are born. Even so, she was very late, and the days stretched into weeks. I called it Never Never Land at the time.

All of a sudden, it will be Birth Day. You have my empathy, and prayers for a safe delivery!

Jess(ica) said...

Can't wait to hear that your new little girl has arrived! =) Hope all goes well while you are anxiously awaiting!

Did Ellie have fun at the parties this weekend? =)