Saturday, June 28, 2008

Four peas in a pod!

As most of you know by now, Audrey Lorraine was born on Tuesday, June 24th, at 11:54 am. She weighed in at 9 lbs 5 oz and measured 20 inches long. She is a beautiful, healthy baby girl! (When my OB pulled her out, she said, "Oh my goodness, you've just given birth to a 2 month old!".) So far, she appears to have a sweet disposition and is actually letting us get some sleep. Last night was our first night at home and she had four hour stretches between feedings twice!

Audrey is enamored of her big sister and I think the feeling is mutual. Ellie had adjusted well and just wants to give her baby sister kisses all day. We know that there will be challenges ahead, but for now we're pleasantly surprised at how smoothly things are going.

Lori and I are also doing well - nothing unites us more as a team than something like this. The C-section went very well and was easier than I expected, but I am still recovering and not able to do too much. My parents and Lori have thankfully taken over everything except feeding Audrey (and I know that someone would do that too if they could!).

Here are a few pictures from Audrey's birth and hospital stay. We will post more in the upcoming week when someone has a spare minute or more likely when someone is willing to give up an extra 10 minutes of sleep!

Beautiful Audrey

A happy Mama gets her first up-close peek at Audrey

Audrey with her mommy in the nursery about 30 minutes after she was born

Ellie takes a look at her baby sister

One of many kisses!

Audrey on her way out of the hospital


Four peas in a pod said...

I would like to clarify that I would NOT want to breast feed if I could!

She may be talking about Boppa!!!



Anonymous said...

What a beautiful child...yes she does look like a 2mo!!!! so happy everything "comeout" ok !!! will be looking forward for more pictures......would love to see Ellie with her..I remember when Dave was born, had to keep him in the playpin at times to keep Judi from "playing" with him..trying to feed him etc...more fun!!! enjoy this time, because it will pass before you know it...they grow up fast!!!

not2brightGRAM said...

Are you sure you got your LMP dates right? She does look like a month old baby! Very sweet and beautiful.

The upside of a larger baby, as you are finding out, is the longer stretches between feedings. Elizabeth was almost 9 lbs. too (8-14) and she ate more in a sitting and slept longer.

johnna said...

What a beautiful child! I think I see some resemblance to her older sister. 'love your OB's comment!
We all thank you for the extra effort during a very busy time for you to post these pictures.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful girl! The photo in her party dress for going home is gorgeous. She does look like Ellie if you go way back to the days when Ellie was that small. What a wonderful personality too!

Anonymous said...

Jana, you did a good job !! What a beautiful girl !! Is she walking yet? What a big "little" baby. She looks like an angel in her white dress. Wish you lived closer.

Jess(ica) said...

Audrey is a beautiful little girl! Thanks for posting pics! I was anxious to see her! I'm looking forward to more pics and updates in the future (as you get time)! Congratulations!!

Rebecca said...

She is beautiful! I cannot believe how non-newborn-ish she looks.