Saturday, October 13, 2007

Short Ellie updates

Just a few quick updates on Ellie....

- She is feeling much better and seems to be almost completely recovered from the croup. She went back to day care on Thursday and then was home with Jana on Friday as usual. She still has a cough, which we were told would last 1-2 weeks. Thankfully, no more wheezing!

- Ellie is making up for lost time in the talking department! As we described before, she has been talking in 2-3 word clusters for a few months. Now she is forming full sentences. Last night she said, "I don't want to, Mommy," and this morning she said, "I don't like it". Notice the common sentiment, continuing with the "no" trend!

- Fall has arrived with a bang - Monday it was 80 degrees and yesterday it was 63! This week, Ellie wore socks and sneakers for the first time since May and last night she wore long-sleeved footy pajamas for the first time since April. Brrrrrr! Today we're off to a farm for pumpkin picking and hayrides.

- Oh my goodness, Ellie will be 2 one month from today!!


Anonymous said...

I thought about the date too when I opened my eyes this morning. I can't believe that our little angel has been with us for two whole years. It has gone by in a flash. I have enjoyed every second of it! Okay, maybe not the emergency room visits so much, but everything else!!!!!!

3dingsandadog said...

Time really does fly...enjoy these years :) Kids are soooooo cute at this age. When they really start talking they are hilarious! I can't wait to hear all the things ellie comes up with!