Monday, October 15, 2007

Bun bun

(By JPC)

Ellie has a bunny that she calls "bun bun" and she sleeps with every night. She loves him and he is the second thing that she wants when it's time to go to bed (the first is binky of course). We actually have two bun buns - when we realized how much she loved him, Mimi bought another as a backup. Somehow Ellie ended up with both of them in her crib a few weeks ago. This is the scene that we found in her crib one night at bed time. And I swear that neither of us did it!

Those are her two pacifiers that she has somehow managed to balance on bun bun's face on top of her pillow. She really loves her "babies"!


Anonymous said...

that brings back the time Dave received some gold fish for his birthday...I went in to check on him at nap time, and guess what he had in bed with him???? yes, the gold fish...they were sound asleep!! for good....must point out that he did have them all covered was back in N.Y ...and Jan. is cold!!!

not2brightGRAM said...

Awww-www-ww, that is SO cute!

Lori, do you remember your riding bunny? And your dancing bunny?

Very smart to get the backup bunny. ;-)

Four peas in a pod said...

I remember the riding bunny from photographs, but I DO remember dancing bunny! I believe I got him on 55th Street. I was in awe at how tall he was!

Mostly I remember Purple Dog and how hard it was to give him up!

Anonymous said...

This is just one little sign of how loving and caring Ellie is. She is already a compassionate little person, lovable beyond limitations.

3dingsandadog said...

Yes..very smart to have a backup bunny...Kyleigh has her one and only, can not be replaced blanket...this is not a good two she dropped it in target and she AND I started panicking..lucky for us someone turned it in...I still do not know what we would do if we lost it!!!
so move!! LOL

not2brightGRAM said...

Here's a flip side to back-up bunny. This could happen with Bun-bun.

You may remember Dan, as a toddler, had a "Jesse doll". It was a unique, kinda ugly doll, but he really loved it. (I think his attachment to it was what shaped him into the tender-hearted guy he is now; he loves kids.)

Anyway, we were on vacation once in San Diego and decided to take the kids to see "Annie". Jesse waited it out in the car.

By huge coincidence, a kid sitting right behind us had an IDENTICAL Jesse-doll! And Dan thought it was HIS Jesse-doll (he was about 2-1/2 at the time). He cried and reached and whimpered and would not believe us that it was a different Jesse.

We finally had to leave the theater and go out to get his Jesse-doll. It was the only way we could calm him down.

Four peas in a pod said...

That's funny, Judi! Our strategy to manage the attachment to bun bun (and binky) is that Ellie is only "allowed" to have him at bed time. This strategy also works wonders when Ellie doesn't want to take a nap or go to bed - all you have to do is say, "Are you ready to go see binky and bun bun?" and she's on her way up the stairs! We parents have to be tricky sometimes!


Four peas in a pod said...

I remember Jesse!! She had that stretched out neck, head hanging half off her body!

Luckily for us, not only do we have a back-up, Bun-Bun is washable!!!