Saturday, October 6, 2007

Say cheese!

(By JPC)

Last night, we were lucky to have Mimi and Boppa stay over. They took us out for dinner and Ellie had such fun showing off at the restaurant and at home. The photo below is one that Boppa took with his cell phone while we were all playing on the couch. He held the cell phone up to take a picture and when he called Ellie to look at him, she turned around with a big smile and said "cheese!". I have no idea where she learned that from (we have never said that to her while taking a picture) and you can see the shock on our faces! Where do they get this stuff?!?!


3dingsandadog said...

How didi she learn that? How cute! Maybe she has heard it at pre school! She is growing up so quick. WE can't wait to see her!

Four peas in a pod said...

I think it must have been at school, too. Or I remembered that she watched an episode of Sesame Street where Rosita is taking pictures of everyone and they come up with different things to say when they're posing instead of cheese. We now have to be sooo careful of what we say - she obviously repeats everything she hears!


Anonymous said...

When you are that beautiful, I guess you hear that a lot.

Anonymous said...

good example of how kids pick-up things that is glad that is was just "cheese".........