Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Halloween Eve

(By JPC)

We spent this evening getting ready for all of tomorrow's festivities. Ellie will have a costume parade at school in the morning, which Lori and I will be able to watch. In the afternoon, each class will have a little party. Holiday celebrations are always hard for the food allergy kids (and parents) - Ellie can't eat anything with chocolate (dairy) and is too young to eat really sticky, chewy, or hard candies. In hope of making this easier, we are providing lots of snacks for Ellie's class so that she can enjoy what everyone else is having. Tonight Ellie helped us decorate her special sugar cookies that Mimi and I made over the weekend for her class (and she even got to have one before dinner!).

I'm sure that Ellie doesn't totally understand what we're going to be doing tomorrow, but she has worn her costume and seems excited about wearing it to school tomorrow. She'll also just be happy to be out late with her friends tomorrow night. As for me, I haven't been this excited about Halloween in 20 years!

Ellie helps decorate Halloween cookies

One for Mama, one for Mommy, and one for Ellie!

And Ellie continues to pile on the sprinkles.....

Ellie enjoys her handiwork before dinner

A plate of our expertly designed sugar cookies

We'll try to post pictures from tomorrow soon! Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

will be looking forward to seening the Halloween pictures....this is one "holiday" (if you want to call it that), I never liked...but hope you all have fun!! how did you make the cookies with out any dairy products????

johnna said...

Too cute!
(I hope I didn't scare you)
Grandpa Clark

Four peas in a pod said...

There is a egg substitute that you can add to recipes. It's a dry product that does the job of whatever it is the egg does in baking! Doesn't work so well as a "scrambled egg" substitute!

Holloween is fun when you have a kid because you can dress them up in cute costumes and parade them around! ........Hey, and who doesn't like free candy?


Anonymous said...

Wow, great pics. Have a great holiday.

Anonymous said...

I hope she has as much fun as you did at her age. You were so excited that year that you threw up before you went out. You had a super great time anyway.

Have lots of fun and take lots of pictures!