Wednesday, September 19, 2007


About six months ago, we were worried that Ellie was a bit behind in her verbal skills. Although she was able to say several words (probably more than 50), she wasn't putting any of them together into two-word phrases, like "want milk". We were quickly reassured by our pediatrician that we had nothing to be concerned about since she clearly understood what we were saying and would respond by acting on it. That and she was only 18 months old (parenting books and magazines can be very useful but can be a bad thing for a paranoid mother!). The pediatrician said that she would talk in her own time.

Well, it appears that her time has come! Within the last two months, Ellie's talking has increased by leaps and bounds. Her first command was "up babies" to her dolls one morning, which recently progressed to "up my babies" last week. She also now says your name or her own name when addressing you so instead of "no", it's "no, mommy!" or "Ellie do" instead of "me" when she wants to do something.

My favorite occurred this morning. When we were leaving the house today for work/school, I could smell that a skunk had been in our neighborhood earlier this morning. Ellie took one step out the door, turned to me with a wrinkled nose, and said, "Peeeyew, it's stinky!". I laughed out loud and wished that her mommy had been there to hear that one!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you believe how funny she is!!!! Not surprise though coming from the Poop Patrol at school.