Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bitter Sweet

(By LPC)

I just returned from California on a Bitter-Sweet trip. It was unfortunate that the reason for my trip was because my wonderful step-mother, Donna, passed away. I learned even more about her through all the stories that were told at her Memorial gathering and long talks with my dad. She will be missed by so many people. My dad will have a huge hole in his heart, but he will take what he learned from Donna and live life to it's fullest while savoring the many wonderful memories.

It was good to see my sister Barbara. She is my best friend. It was good to spend time with Kyleigh and Lee on the soccer Field!

I almost made it up in Mike's airplane with him and David, only to be rescued by the approaching thunder storm! Yayayaya! I didn't really want to fly, I just wanted to spend some quality time with the boys. What could be more special than spending time suspended above the earth in a small plane? (okay, spending it sitting in a car safely parked in the rain, right guys?)

I loved spending time at Mike and Madeline's house with EVERYONE present. It was the brady-bunch with a huge twist, but we were all there despite ourselves.

There was also a spirit of forgiveness in the air between my older sister and I. A commitment was made to put things behind us and to agree to disagree on matters that cannot, and will not, ever be understood by the other. To stay out of murky waters and to enjoy the things we have in common.

So although my visit was bitter-sweet, I came back with a deeper love and appreciation for everyone in my family.

I came back home to a loving partner and a child who has forever changed my life.

I love you all. Keep in touch!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for a good synopsis of events. We look forward to your next trip around Christmas...less the Bitter part.

Anonymous said...

Ellie and I are looking forward to being there next time!


Anonymous said...

You are truly a wonderful and kind human being. We are so proud to have you as a member in our family too.

3dingsandadog said...

I'm so blessed to have you as my sister. I can't imagine my world without you in it. I loved having you out here, but next time bring the whole fam!

Love you


not2brightGRAM said...

It was wonderful to see you too, Lori.

I can't remember the last time all FIVE of us sibs were together. I believe it might have been another Bitter-Sweet time.

Four peas in a pod said...

Yes, I believe it was, Judi!
