Saturday, September 29, 2007

Summer's End

(By JPC)

The weather today was beautiful with a summer temperature but an autumn crispness. To celebrate one of our last warm weekends, we spent a long afternoon at the park. Ellie has had a cold this week so she was thrilled about the chance to run around!

The queen of the playground surveys her territory

When we were swinging, the mom next to us asked her daughter if she would like to blow some bubbles in attempt to bribe her out of the swings. Well, it didn't work with her daughter, but it did with ours! Ellie started saying, "bubbles, bubbles!" and the very nice woman gave us a bottle for Ellie to play with. We were amazed because Ellie can now blow them herself, albeit with quite a lot of effort!

In addition to blowing the bubbles, Ellie also insisted on holding the bottle of liquid. As you can somewhat see here, most of it ended up on Ellie's pants!

After a fun afternoon, we had to convince Ellie that it was time to go. To delay our departure she played on the fence and watched the other kids on the playground. We couldn't resist snapping lots of pictures - she looked so beautiful with the setting sun.

We have so enjoyed the summer with our amazing girl and now look forward to sharing this Fall with her. Pumpkin picking and hay rides next weekend and then Halloween, Thanksgiving, birthdays, and lots of other activities - what fun!


Jess(ica) said...

Ellie is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

She is really turning into a little girl, and while I am sad to see her baby days ending, I am thrilled with the little person who is developing. She's absolutely gorgeous even when she is not feeling tip-top.

Anonymous said...

We love her to pieces...can't wait to see her!