Thursday, July 31, 2008

Newest pictures

We've had a good week and gotten lots of things done that have been on the to-do list. We also weighed Audrey this week and at 5 weeks old she now weighs 12 1/2 pounds! And to think I was worried that she wasn't getting enough to eat :-)

Ellie helping Boppa put the finishing touches on our new cabinets. They are done and we can't wait to start reorganizing the kitchen to use them!

There seems to be a lot of pictures of Audrey sleeping on this blog - that's because that's how she spends 95% of her time!

Ellie kept Audrey entertained on her play mat for quite a while! Audrey was talking to Ellie and trying to move over towards her, which Ellie just loves.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Chatty girl

Audrey doesn't cry very much, but she sure makes a lot of noise!
(Of course, she was making even more noise before I picked up the camera!)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Boppa's little helper

This weekend Boppa began the installation of a new set of kitchen cabinets for us. They look great and we can't wait until they're finished! Although we have a nice sized kitchen, we don't have a lot of counter space. One of the walls of our kitchen was empty so Boppa put in two more cabinets and a 6 1/2 foot (!!) counter top. We put two stools between the cabinets - the perfect place for two little girls to eat a snack or help mama cook!

Ellie was also very excited about the new cabinets because she got to "help" Boppa put them in. She used the tools from her very own tool set. She used the tape measure to measure the cabinets and told us they were two hours long! Ellie didn't want anyone else to help though; if one of us came in the kitchen she told us to "stay out of the way". Boppa definitely loves his little helper!


Sometimes I can't imagine how Audrey actually fit inside me, but then I see her snuggled up asleep and can picture it. She loves to snuggle and would prefer to sleep in the crook of your arm rather than anyplace else!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Audrey is one month old!

I can't believe that Audrey is one month old already, but then it seems like she has been with us forever. I sometimes can't remember what it was like with only one kid (although I do remember that I got a lot more sleep and had quite a bit more down time!). We love you, Audrey, and are so happy that you are a part of our family!

Tornado warning

Yesterday there was a tornado warning in our area. This wasn't something that we ever thought we'd have to worry about! An actual tornado hadn't been spotted, but they were reporting that the conditions were right for one to form and residents in our area should seek shelter. With two kids, we were not ones to take chances so here we are in the storage area under our closet. We told Ellie we were camping and playing hide and seek. It felt a little silly but better safe than sorry!

(And for those of you who are wondering, Mimi took the picture and was ready to dash in to join us if we heard a train sound - isn't that what tornadoes are supposed to sound like? Until then, Mimi stood at the front door and reported to us what it looked like. Lori and I were cracking up because she was telling us things like, "The birds are still flying", "Your neighbor is in her front yard drinking a glass of water", and my personal favorite, "A cat just walked past. I've never seen a cat around here. Oh, wait, that's not a cat; it's a chihuahua!".)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


If you haven't seen this video of Christian the lion reunited with his previous owners, you have to watch it. It's been all over TV recently (Today Show, The View) and has had millions of hits on YouTube. It had Lori and me in tears! This story and video are from the 1970s and I'm not sure why it has surfaced again, but for more about the story see this link from MSNBC.

Reality check

Toddlers can be brutally honest....

I gained more than 30 pounds when I was pregnant with Audrey. By the time she was 3 weeks old I had lost 30 of those pounds and was feeling pretty good about my post-baby body, until I had the following conversation with Ellie...

Ellie: (pulling up my shirt and putting her hand on my belly) There's no baby in there!

Me: That's right! Where's that baby now?

Ellie: In the bassinet!

Me: That's right! Audrey used to be in my belly, but the doctor helped her come out and now she's here with us.

Ellie: (after a pause) Why you still got a big belly?

Ahhhhh, honesty. At least she didn't ask about the stretch marks!

Monday, July 21, 2008


Today was a big day for Audrey - her first bottle and her first real bath!

Although I plan to continue nursing Audrey for as long as possible (10-12 months), she'll be fed from a bottle when she goes to daycare starting in October. Our pediatrician recommends that if your baby is going to be bottle-fed at some point, she needs to be introduced to the bottle before 4 weeks. Well, since Audrey will be 4 weeks old tomorrow, we thought it was a good idea to do that today! I've been delaying it because nursing is much easier this time around and I really dislike pumping. Audrey took the bottle well although I underestimated the amount - she seemed hungry when she was done but didn't want to take another bottle. We'll keep trying every few days! Ellie loved helping to feed her the bottle. She has been talking about this since I was pregnant!

Audrey's reaction to the bath was a little more ambiguous. We put her bathtub in the big bathtub with Ellie. Ellie absolutely loved it!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Baby pool

Although we love going to the pool, sometimes it feels like it requires more effort than it's worth. Since Ellie can't go in alone, one of us always has to swim with her and since I haven't been able to get into the pool since Audrey was born, that means that Lori always has to do it. And the pool can get crowded, which makes swimming for both Lori and Ellie not as enjoyable. Our solution - a little pool for our yard. We used it for the first time this weekend and Ellie loved it. We also love that we can sit in the front yard and watch her (and sometimes stick our feet in to cool off, too!).

Ellie loves that in this pool she can play with some of her bathtub toys.

If she can swim in the bathtub then she can swim in the little pool!

Cute sisters

I couldn't resist snapping lots of pictures of the girls this morning in their matching outfits!

Look at that smile!

Mommy and her girls

I love my mommy!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Cute girls

Thank you, Mary, for the adorable coordinating outfits - perfect for a very hot day!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

We love this stroller!

Yesterday we used our new stroller for the first time and it is fantastic! It's called the Joovy Caboose Stand-on Tandem. We had thought about getting a more traditional double stroller but realized that Ellie will not be interested in riding in a stroller for much longer. This stroller is intended for parents in our situation - two kids, one a baby and the other a toddler. The front seat is a traditional stroller seat and also can hold an infant car seat. We call the back seat "Ellie's jump seat". It can be used as a rear facing bench seat or a front facing standing platform. Ellie loves it and she really loves that she can see (and reach) Audrey. She also loves the organizer that's attached to the handle - it's intended for the parent to use, but yesterday it held her sippy cup and snack bag, which she thought was cool. When we got to the portrait studio yesterday, she didn't want to get out!

We would definitely recommend it for anyone with two kids! It's easy to use and comes with a detailed instructions manual that is much clearer than the one that came with Ellie's stroller. The only drawback is that it's pretty heavy (their website says 26 pounds and I'd believe it) and definitely requires two hands to lift and open/close. For more information, check out their website.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday at home

This weekend we did our first outings with both girls. On Friday we took them to the Farmers' Market nearby where Ellie gets a pickle on a stick every time and we also got the best blueberries that I've had this summer. Friday was also my first day driving again - yay! On Saturday we went to the grocery store for a big trip and today we went to Target. Since we all went, we pushed the girls in separate carts; I'm not sure what we'll do without Lori to push the second cart! Ellie was thrilled to get out this weekend and Audrey just slept everytime we went anywhere.

I filmed the video below this morning. I was in the kitchen and the girls were in the living room. When I came out of the kitchen, I found Ellie reading her new library book to Audrey. It was so sweet!

Today we also went to the swimming pool. The video is just a quick clip of our little fish jumping into the pool. Audrey and I enjoyed watching them swim from the shade!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

2 1/2 weeks

We've had another good week of baby adjustment. Audrey continues to sleep a lot, except for a couple evenings/nights this week that she cried like a normal newborn. This happened tonight and although it's normal, it hasn't been her normal so we were of course somewhat concerned. The good thing about a second baby though is that you've done all this before so it's much easier to remain calm and maintain your patience because you know it has to end sometime. Now she is sleeping in her bassinet and hopefully will remain there for at least a few hours.

This week we have also learned that Audrey likely has a dairy allergy like Ellie. When I was pregnant, Ellie's allergist told me that the baby would have a 60% chance of developing food allergies, eczema, and/or asthma. Well, she has started to show all the signs that Ellie did for the dairy allergy so I'm now off most dairy. I'm sure it's frustrating for both Audrey and me (spitting up all your food and having painful gas can't be fun!), but we've done this before so we know how to manage it for now. We're just hoping that, like Ellie, she outgrows this and of course we're hoping that this is the only allergy she has.

Ellie has also done well this week. She continues to become upset about little things very easily and wants much more attention than usual, but overall she is handling the change in our family well. We are so thankful that we kept her in school two days a week. When we drop her off in the morning, she is so excited to be in a place that's hers. When we're about a block away, she yells, "We're almost there!". But if you ask her if one baby is enough or if we should have another one, she always says that she wants two babies. I'll take that as a good sign!

It's a little big, but this outfit is 3-6 months!

My two favorite girls in the world

Night-night, little one

Monday, July 7, 2008

Our beautiful girl

photos by Boppa, 07/04/2008

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Treasured moments

One of the main reasons we had another baby was because we wanted Ellie to have a sibling. How thankful we are that it's happened and that Ellie seems to treasure her baby sister as much as we could hope for. This morning, Ellie woke up when I was nursing Audrey. She came over to us, hugged Audrey, and said, "My best friend". Later this morning, she was singing quietly while playing with Play-Do. She sang, "You are my Audrey, my only Audrey. You make me happy everyday. You never know, Audrey, how much I love you. Please don't take my Audrey away".


Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

We have had a nice weekend here with lots of visitors. Mimi and Boppa came down for a couple days and my sister, AKA Aunt TT, flew up from Virginia for the weekend to meet her new niece and visit with her older one. Yesterday Lori and Aunt TT took Ellie to a local parade. Last year Ellie loved it, but this year she was really afraid of all the noise and they had to leave early. We told her that next year she'll be 3 so she probably won't be afraid anymore :-)

Ready for a swim!

Ellie and Aunt TT cooling off in the pool

Bathing beauty in the shade

Before the parade started...

...and after.

Ellie and Aunt TT
(Ellie had such a good time with her aunt and was so sad when she left this morning!)

Ellie, Audrey, and Aunt TT