Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Potty Training Update - week 2

This is Ellie's second week of underwear and she has been quite successful! After going through six changes of clothes last Monday at school and then staying dry all day Tuesday, she had only one accident the rest of the week. Miss S explained though that the accident wasn't Ellie's fault - she told Miss S that she needed to go potty, but there was another kid in the bathroom and Ellie just couldn't hold it. She had a few accidents at home over the weekend although that may partially be due to the fact that we're not as scheduled with bathroom times as they are at school (Miss S takes her every 45-60 minutes whether she asks to go or not). Today is her second day of school this week and both days she has been completely dry. One of my manipulative potty training tactics has been to send her to school in her favorite outfits and explain that if she wets her undies, she has to change her clothes, which she definitely does not want to do!

We're still putting her in pull-ups when we go out to a public place since we don't always know where the nearest bathroom is. But she has started to tell us even then that she has to go potty and has even refused to go in the pull-up. Of course, she's still in diapers at night. That change is a long way off and one we're not overly concerned about right now.

So overall potty training is going well and we're so proud of our big girl! Now I just have to start buying size 1 diapers and begin the whole process again!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You were so lucky that she is such a cooperative child and that she loves her pretty dresses!!

Jess(ica) said...

Wow that is awesome! I like the trick of sending her to school in her favorite outfit as an incentive to NOT pee her panties! =)