Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

We have had a nice weekend celebrating our family and all the mothers in our lives. Mimi and Boppa spent the weekend with us so there were lots of moms to honor just in our house! Yesterday we went to the same farm we went to in the fall for pumpkin picking. They had a Kids' Day At The Farm and we all had a great time doing "farm stuff". Today Boppa treated all the moms to a fancy brunch where we stuffed our bellies full of great food. Even Ellie had lots of options at the buffet, which isn't always the case (brunch food is usually loaded with eggs!).

Happy Mother's Day!

Ellie saw lots of animals at the farm, including these baby lambs. She was interested in looking at all the animals but certainly wasn't going to touch them!

Painting a pot for the plant she potted for us.

Boppa and Ellie in front of the tractor while we waited to go on the hay ride around the farm.

As excited as she had been to go on the hay ride, the ride itself was very bumpy and she was a little nervous (as was her 33 week pregnant mama!!).

Ellie's favorite part of the day was the pony ride. She amazed all of us by saying that she wanted to go alone (meaning without Lori walking next to her during the ride). At the end of the day we had just enough tickets left for another ride so she got to ride the ponies twice. She hasn't stopped talking about it since!

Ellie's favorite souvenir of the day was the candy necklace she made!

In the greenhouse

We didn't get many pictures at brunch today but here Ellie is enjoying her first taste of watermelon since last summer.

Today Ellie was coloring in her souvenir coloring book from the farm yesterday when Lori noticed that she was purposefully coloring in the flowers. This is the first time we've noticed an attempt to stay within the lines!

And then it got very quiet at Ellie's table....

When Mommy looked over, she noticed that Ellie was meticulously coloring her hands green!

And lastly, Ellie was being a ham today and we caught her singing on video. If you can't tell, she singing "You Are My Sunshine" and inserting her own words for sunshine. And her microphone is our digital ear thermometer!


Anonymous said...

What a good singer and great jumper!! Isn't it wonderful that she is getting old enough to know that her moms are HER sunshine???? She has always known that she was their sunshine.

We had a wonderful weekend. The farm was so much fun. I NEVER would have guessed that she would be so brave as to ride the pony without Lori right beside her. I guess she is growing up. Wonderfully!!!!

Jess(ica) said...

Happy Mother's Day! Looks like you had a lot of fun! =)

Anonymous said...

Boy what fun you all must have that farm near by? nice day trip...are they open all year? she does a good job on her talking to you soon...miss you and love ya all...

Four peas in a pod said...

Ya, the farm is only about a 15 minute drive! Not open in the winter.

johnna said...

American Idol awaits little Miss Sunshine!!!

Grandpa Clark

Anonymous said...

They have farms in New Jersey ??!!
I have horses down the road anytime she wants to visit !
Aunt Lynn