Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Part 1

Well, now that Memorial Day weekend is here, it is officially the beginning of summer and the weather here agrees! We have had a beautiful weekend mostly in the 70s so we've been finally able to spend more time outside. We started the weekend off with a barbecue at a friend's house. Ellie had such a good time playing in the big back yard with her four kids. Yesterday we spent a long time at the park. Today Mimi and Boppa came over for the day, which always means lots of fun. This morning we went strawberry picking at a local farm (pictures of this from Mimi's camera to follow!) and this afternoon we played inside and outside before having dinner at Ellie's favorite restaurant. Right now she's downstairs with Lori playing in her fort, a newly discovered fun place to play!

Mommy tries to show Ellie how to climb the cool ladder at the playground...

...and Mama jumps on to show her! 35 weeks and still playing at the playground!

This slide was a wee bit taller than Ellie expected. Once she got up there, there was no way that she was going down it!

This slide was a little more to her liking.

Exhausted Ellie can't figure out how to climb up the slide...

Sticker pox strikes again!

We built Ellie a fort this afternoon and when Lori pulled off the blanket, we found her playing Lori's Gameboy!



Jess(ica) said...

These pictures are all adorable but I especially like the sticker pox one! =) It made me LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at that face! Who would ever think that she would be interested in any way in the Game Boy!!! You never know what is going on in that wonderful brain. Did she beat your top score, Mommy? I feel pretty sure she has already beat mine!!