Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend Part 2

As promised here are the pictures from strawberry picking yesterday. Today we had another fun day. We went out early to beat the heat - by noon we had played in two different parks and gone to our favorite Italian ice spot for a cool treat!

A happy girl and her bucket of delicious strawberries!

Ellie was so good at the farm and asked before picking any strawberry if it was okay or if wasn't too green.

They still had the little kids' hay maze at the farm so Ellie had fun finding Lori and Boppa.

This morning at the first park, we were happy to see Ellie be a little adventurous and try to climb this. She's generally very cautious, which we like, but we do sometimes want her to take a little chance!

We had forgotten that at the second park they have a little sand pit and as everyone knows, little kids LOVE playing in sand. The problem was that all the other kids' parents were good and brought toys to play in it (shovels, buckets, etc.). I felt terrible when I told Ellie that we didn't have anything and she asked me to please check the diaper bag for a shovel! So being the terrible and forgetful parents that we obviously are, Lori ran back to the car and brought out anything she thought Ellie could play with in the sand...a sippy cup, a cupcake holder, and a snow shovel! Not exactly what the other kids had, but she was happy to have anything. Next time we won't forget the sand toys!


Anonymous said...

My goodness, could she be any cuter with that big shovel and small container!!!! She is always a good sport. She's getting ready for a few days at the Jersey shore soon. Maybe baby sister can stay home with Mimi and Boppa.

Jess(ica) said...

Looks like it was lots of fun! And Ellie probably made the other kids jealous with the biggest shovel of all! =)

Anonymous said...

I liked the hat...all she needed was a little water and then make mud pies...