Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dare I say it?

Can it possibly be true? Is Ellie really almost potty trained?

For the last couple of months, whenever we're home we take off Ellie's diaper and pants so that she is forced to use the potty. This week at the suggestion of Ellie's teacher, she is wearing underwear to school. Yesterday she was in her 6th outfit by the time we picked her up. She was also on her 3rd pair of socks - apparently pee travels far and fast through clothes. Miss S told us not to be discouraged and just be ready to do lots of laundry this week.

But today we picked her up and she had on the same outfit that we had dropped her off in, which means that she was dry all day! She got eight stickers for her eight successful trips to the potty and at the end of the day she got a certificate and two lollipops. She was so proud of the certificate!

Tomorrow may require another six outfits, but that's okay. She's on her way! And maybe, just maybe, we'll only have one in diapers when the baby is born!


Anonymous said...

boy that is great news...sure will be great to have her "house broken"... sounds like she is on the way....

3dingsandadog said...

I'll bet she will be trained soon. I'm guessing she did not like being wet. How nice it would be...and money saving...to have only one in diapers!!!

Jess(ica) said...

Congratulations to Ellie (and her mommy and mama)!!! =) This is quite an accomplishment! woohoo!

not2brightGRAM said...




There's nothing like getting the first one trained before the second one arrives with all their diapers.

Way to go, Ellie!

Anonymous said...

I just can't believe how grown up she is!! She is just showing you that she is ready to become a big sister - and just in the nick of time!!!

Way to go, Ellie Belle!

not2brightGRAM said...

Is Ellie's middle name Belle for real? That is so cute!

Four peas in a pod said...

That's a nick name! Her full name is E. Barbara P Clark. She actually has two middle names - the Barbara and P. Her last name is only Clark. But we wanted it to kinda flow with Jana and I, so we gave her P as a middle name too. Didn't want to stick her with a hyphinated last name!

Four peas in a pod said...

I'll be sure to send you a birth announcement with the next babies full given name!


johnna said...

How do you expect a child with the middle name of "P" to EVER be potty trained?!!?

EIGHT (8) trips to the potty in one day?!!? That's more than I did when I had BPH!!!

I guess I just forgot how much kids tinkle.


(you know I am just kidding)



Four peas in a pod said...

too funny!