Sunday, July 1, 2007

Trip to the park

(By JPC)

Last night was a long night - Ellie kept us awake for about 2 hours, crying for reasons we have yet to uncover. Although we were exhausted, Ellie seemed unaffected by the decreased sleeping time and was up early as usual. We awoke to a beautiful day, however, which made the early hour less painful! Since we were up anyway, we thought we'd take advantage of the beautiful morning and we left for the park before 8 am. Our town has a wonderful park about 3.5 miles from our house that sits right on a lake. The tennis and handball courts were crowded, but Ellie had the run of the playground and we were one of only a very few families enjoying the lake that early!

Ellie and Mommy peeking at Mama through a tunnel

By far, Ellie's favorite activity at any park is swinging!

Ellie usually goes down slides with ease but this morning she wasn't feeling very adventerous so I had to "help" :-)

This is a video of Ellie playing peek-a-boo with me

A view of the lake

Ellie feeding the ducks - she sacrificed her Goldfish crackers for the ducks and if you've ever spent more than a few days with Ellie, you know how much she loves those crackers! And in the video below, check out that arm - impressive for a 19-month old!

Ellie checking out the lily pads and, in the distance, a fishing boat


Anonymous said...

She is really brave and generous. I am surprised she shared those wonderfully delicious treats!! It looks as though you had a perfect day!

3dingsandadog said...

I can't believe how much she has grown since we last saw her! I loved the video of her playing peek-a-boo!