Sunday, July 29, 2007

Visitors at Mimi and Boppa's house

Today was a busy day at Mimi and Boppa's house! Aunt Sue Sue and Kendall are visiting from Mississippi this week and Aunt TT and Ty drove up from Virginia for the weekend. We enjoyed the gathering of family and had an early celebration of Aunt TT's 30th birthday. Ellie had such a good time, but was worn out from all the fun. She slept the entire way home and then cried from the minute we walked in our front door until we finally gave up after 30 minutes and put her to bed.

Aunt TT and Ellie playing outside

Ellie met great-aunt Sue Sue for the first time today

Ellie showing off her new school bag (a gift from Sue Sue and Kendall)

As she is during most visits, Ellie was Boppa's girl today!

The impatient toddler enjoying some appetizers before dinner. Buddy doesn't especially like Ellie, but he must have her in his sights at all times!

Aunt TT and Ty

Aunt Sue Sue and Kendall

Ellie sitting down for yet another meal! She wasn't too excited about her BBQ'd chicken and green beans until Mommy gave her a side dish of Heinz 57. She finished it off then!

Happy 30th Birthday, Aunt TT!


Anonymous said...

We had such a great day today! It was great showing Ellie off to everyone. She puts on quite a show after she gets over her shyness! Thank you for coming!

Anonymous said...

It was so great seeing one Mom and meeting the other today.
What a joy it was to see Ellie for the very first time in person!!
Families come in all different shapes, sizes and flavors, but yours is absolutely sweet and a joy to to with.

3dingsandadog said...

Look like you all had a great time! Miss you all

PS: Lori you look awesome!