Sunday, July 15, 2007

New videos

(By JPC)

Here are two new vidoes of our cute girl. In the first one, we had left our friends' house after a long afternoon of outdoors fun and were on our way home. She was cracking us up by putting her sunglasses on upside down (or as she says "up down"). We also tried somewhat unsuccesfully to capture more of her singing. You'll hear at the end that we made a pit stop on the way home for some fruits and veggies. Ellie could eat tomatoes all day if we let her so we were thrilled to see that our local farmers' market had opened for the season that morning. If you've never had a fresh Jersey tomato, you don't know what you're missing!

In the second video, Ellie was trying very hard to delay her bed time that same evening even though she was exhausted. Ellie recently learned how to shrug her shoulders and say "I don't know", which we find hilarious. She has realized that if she's doing something cute, we forget what we were doing including trying to get her to go to bed. Sometimes we just can't stand the thought of missing one second with our precious girl!

And what we didn't catch on video is that when we tell her we love her, she now says that she loves us too. Worth every minute of lost sleep during the last 20 months!


Anonymous said...

She doesn't know, but I sure do! I know that she is the cutest thing on wheels!!!

3dingsandadog said...

Everytime I say she can't possibly get any cuter...she does!! She needs to stop! I can't take it!!!LOL...Tell her that her "Aunt Baba" loves and misses her!!