Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sick Days

(By JPC)

We haven't been online as much this week because we've been a little busy and a lot tired! When we picked up Ellie at daycare on Monday she had had a minor "incident" with a toy there that hurt her leg. When we got home we realized that she also had a fever, which explained her VERY dramatic reaction to the leg injury. Lori stayed home with Ellie on Tuesday and I stayed home with her on Wednesday. According to our human resources' rules, we are not allowed to take a sick day when it's your child who is actually ill so we have to use a vacation day - let me tell you, it's no vacation being home with your sick baby! Since Ellie had a febrile seizure last year we tend to worry a bit more about a fever and aggressively treat her every 3 hours alternating between Motrin and Tylenol. This makes for very long nights with multiple alarms set! Ellie sleeps right through the medication but her mommies don't do quite as well with the interrupted sleep.

She was feeling much better by Wednesday evening though and today we took her back to daycare. She was thrilled to leave the house this morning after being homebound for 2 full days. She ran down the sidewalk to the car and started kicking her feet with excitement when we were a block away from daycare. We hear she had a good day, but unfortunately was bit (again!) by one of the kids there. Although it bothers us that this is the second time (but different kid), there isn't too much that you can say - kids that age bite and next week it could be Ellie who bites someone!

The big development in our house this week though is the advent of two word phrases for Ellie! She started with "up babies" to wake up her babies Wednesday morning and during the day she said a few others like "hi babies". My favorite though was when we were looking at pictures on the fireplace mantel (it had been a long day with a sick child and I couldn't think of anything else to do!). I pointed to each picture and said who it was and when I got to a picture of Ellie with Lori, she pushed my hand away from the frame and said very emphatically "mine mommy". Lori was of course thrilled! Her other surpise was picking up a picture of her Aunt Barbie and clearly saying "aunt baba". She also has a few new favorites this week including Pedialyte popsicles, blueberries, pretzel rods, and her mommy :-)

"My temperature is over 102 and I do not feel well."


Anonymous said...

I know you are taking very good care of that precious girl. Get well Ellie! We all love you!

Anonymous said...

I think its ridiculous that you and Lori have to take a vacation to take care of Ellie. I am glad she is feeling better! Love, Olivia