Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Just Civil Unioned!

(By JPC)

Today is the 5th anniversary of our commitment ceremony so we thought it would be the perfect day to make it legal within our state! The mayor presided over the civil union ceremony, which took place in the gazebo on our local duck pond (conveniently located right next to our municipal building and the mayor's office). Our friends, Kerry and Michael, were there as our witnesses. Their kids and Jana's dad were also there for the event. Although we "made it official" 5 years ago, it was a nice way to do it again. Everyone that we encountered in preparing for this, from getting the license to arranging the date with the mayor's office, was incredibly kind and we felt happy to be a part of such an open and welcoming community.

One of the nicest gestures of the day though was a gift from Ellie's daycare. We had mentioned in passing that we were doing this today and when we picked Ellie up this afternoon we were given a card signed by the staff with a bottle of champagne, a gift card to a local restaurant, and the promise of babysitting when we choose to use the gift card. It was an incredibly thoughtful gesture and reminded us again of how lucky the three of us are to be surrounded by such loving individuals.

Happy anniversary, Lori!

(below by LPC)

Happy anniversary, Jana!

I just want to add something here. There are so many mixed feelings a day like today brings. There have been times I was angry that we couldn't have a "real" marriage that is nationally recognized. I have been upset that I had to pay so much money to adopt my own child- who I did indeed help bring into this world. Upset that I had to allow a social worker into my home to deem me fit. There are so many things that are not fair or equal. It can make one angry.

But no more.

All I have ever wanted lies in front of me. Good family (including in-laws!!! lucky me!), good friends, good community, good neighbors.
Most of all, I have you Jana and we have our incredible daughter. Life is good.
Happy Anniversary and Happy Civil Union!

Exchanging vows

Just civil unioned!

With the mayor

The kids were relieved it was over so they could finally go see the ducks!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!!! It is so nice to have the recognition, but you are a family no matter what!!! I love you guys!

3dingsandadog said...

Congratulations! You two are such a great example of a loving family! Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Jana & Lori! It is such a memorable event...and such nice sentiments from you both.
We Love you,
Dad & Donna