Saturday, March 14, 2009


Yesterday we went to the circus! We took Mimi and Boppa for Boppa's birthday and also went with Ellie's BFF and her family. We saw the Zing Zang Zoom show by Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey - it was wonderful!

We were nervous about Ellie's reaction for a few reasons: 1) she HATES clowns; 2) she's not a big fan of loud noises; and 3) she really hates clowns. At the beginning of the show, she sat in her seat and was way more excited about the popcorn and juice box than about the circus itself. She is a very observant kid so we knew she was taking it all in but she wasn't reacting much to the activity. By the end of the show, she was clapping, laughing, and dancing in her seat with BFF. She even told us today that her favorite part of the show was the girl clown wearing the blue dress (I have no idea who that was!).

We had a great time watching the circus but even more fun watching Ellie watch the circus!

Our group before the show

Ellie and her BFF

Some of the amazing circus acts...

Mimi and Ellie

Ellie's eyes were glued to the action!

Photos by Boppa, March 13, 2009


3dingsandadog said...

Ellie looks so grown up! Looks like a fun day :)

Anonymous said...

She is so grown up, so tall now. She had a wonderful time, and I do believe that baby Audrey had a great time too going from person to person trying to get closer to the fabulous big sister. (She even took a plastic bag from cotton candy from the child behind us. That girl wants to taste it all!) Thank you for including us. We had the best day ever!!!

Anonymous said...

looks like you all have a fun day...was nice talking to you today...good pic.

Jess(ica) said...

That pic of her and her BFF is so cute! Glad to hear you all had such a good time! =)