Friday, March 6, 2009

Blood draw

This morning we took Audrey for her first blood draw, which was needed to evaluate her food allergies. As you can tell by the bandages on both arms, things didn't go so well. They couldn't get a vein so they stuck her multiple times in both arms. Lori and I had to trade off holding her because it was so upsetting. There were three techs involved and when I was at the point of telling them to just stop, the third one finally got it. Audrey screamed the entire time and then slept in her car seat for an hour afterwards. The picture below was taken right after she woke up, in her usual sweet manner with no memory of this morning's traumatic events. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that Ellie will remember this for a long time. Note to self: do not bring other child to future blood draw appointments!


Anonymous said...

Oh no!!! I am so glad I didn't know about this. It will be worth it if you get helpful information.

Jess(ica) said...

Oh how sad! That must have just been awful to see her in so much pain. She looks absolutely adorable though in her after-nap pic! And those cotton balls on her arms, though they represent the awful blood-drawing experience, are kinda cute on her little arms =)