Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ear infection

Audrey has hit yet another milestone - her first round of antibiotics. Boo! After a few days of what appeared to be a bad cold, Lori took her to the pediatrician yesterday. He said that Audrey has an ear infection in one ear and the beginning of one in the other. The eczema on her cheeks is also infected. She started amoxicillin last night and seems to be a bit better today. She is a good patient though! She takes the medicine right down with little complaint and just wants to be held most of the day.

We've also scheduled an appointment at the end of the month with the allergist for Audrey. She started eating Cheerios last week and a couple days later she was red and swollen on her forehead. We're hoping the two things are not related since a wheat allergy is much more difficult to manage than an egg or dairy allergy. They will likely test her for the common allergens at that appointment. We'll keep you posted!

I'm too sick to play.


Four peas in a pod said...

Oh my Sweet, sweet, Audrey! As sick as you are, you complain very little. You are such a joy!


Anonymous said...

Oh beautiful Audrey! You break my heart when you smile even though you don't feel well at all. I love you with all my heart.

Jess(ica) said...

aw poor baby!!! I hope she starts feeling more like her cute little self soon!

3dingsandadog said...

I really hope there are no allergies. I can't imagine have to deal with wheat along with eggs and dairy. :( Keep us posted