Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Eight Months Old

Audrey is eight months old today and we just can't believe it! She has changed so much in the last month....

- Audrey said her first word earlier this month: mama! We can also tell what she wants when she calls me now by the intonation of the "mama". The mama that she says when she's tires is truly the most pitiful noise I have ever heard.

- Audrey has started to respond to other words that she clearly understands. If you say bye bye or night night to her, she waves her whole arm at you. If you say yay, she claps her hands together. Lori and Audrey have an entire night time routine that happens when I take Audrey up to nurse before bed, which involves a lot of waving on both of their parts. Tonight she even kissed Lori good night!

- In addition to waving and clapping, she is learning other gestures. My favorite is how she points with her entire arm at her bed when she's tired.

- Audrey is desperately trying to crawl! She rocks on her hands and knees but hasn't figured out how to move forward yet. She can scooch backwards and can wiggle her way around in a circle and across the blanket though. She can also get near Ellie no matter where Ellie is and will climb on top of her!

- Audrey is teething again and she is not happy about it. Neither are we!

- Audrey is 28 inches long (which was Ellie's length at nine months) and weighs 21 pounds 6 ounces (which was Ellie's weight at one year). We were told at her last pediatrician visit that she is between the 50th and 75th percentile for length and far above the 95th percentile for weight!

- She is still just as snuggly as ever! She is a baby who loves to be held. Sometimes she'll just sit on your lap and rest her head on your chest, which is the greatest thing. Now that she is becoming much more active we treasure those moments!


Anonymous said...

Thank you! I've been waiting all day for these pictures. What a beautiful girl Audrey is! It seems that she is developing her own look and personality. One thing for sure - she is incredibly well-loved! Thank you for the pictures that were worth waiting for!

Meredith said...

All the pictures are great but my favorite is the last one - Audrey rolling on her "eight months old" sign with that awesome smile on her face:) What a beautiful little girl and it sounds like Ellie is doing a fantastic job as big sister!

Anonymous said...

hard to think she is 8mo already...what a little doll..sounds like she is a good child! enjoyed the pictures....thanks

Jess(ica) said...

Oh Audrey is so cute! It's amazing how much she is developing so quickly!!!