Saturday, January 24, 2009

Seven months old

Sweet Audrey is seven months old today! In the last seven months we have seen her go from a calm, sleepy newborn to a feisty baby! Here's her latest...

- She has her two bottom teeth and knows how to use them. If we're really meant to nurse babies for the first year, someone tell me why they get teeth this early!?!?

Check out these pearly whites!

- Audrey is a raspberry blowing fool, especially when she has food in her mouth!

- She has developed lots of skills using her hands- she can clap, pick up more complicated objects, throw things, and transfer objects from one hand to the other. She is an expert hair grabber and glasses remover.

- Audrey still loves to talk - she babbles constantly!

- She has started to respond to her name, especially when it's said by Ellie. She does not respond to no. At all.

- You always know where she is because she happily screeches and hollers all day.

- At school, they call her the nosey baby; we like to say she's observant. When someone at school tries to give her a bottle or when I'm nursing her, she flips and flops all over the place if anyone else comes in the room so she can see what's happening.

- She is eating a lot more solid food. She has three meals of solid food every day and loves it! Her usual is oatmeal with prune juice at breakfast time, a fruit at lunch time, and a veggie at dinner. She's gone from nursing every two hours to only four times a day. She eats her meals in her highchair at the table with us, which Ellie loves!

- She is not close to crawling yet, but every once in a while when she's mad, she can get up on her knees and hands. When she's on her back though she scooches herself backwards.

- She enjoys playing with her toys and she loves holding onto her feet. When she's falling asleep in your arms, she likes to hold your shirt up to her mouth but doesn't actually put it in her mouth. She sucks her bottom lip instead.

- She loves to snuggle and will sit on your lap for a while just relaxing.

- She is the sweetest baby and we wouldn't change a thing!


Jess(ica) said...

Aw she is so cute! I wish I lived closer to see in person all the cute things you described that Audrey is doing these days!

3dingsandadog said...

What a little personality she is getting :)

Do you see many differences or similarities between her and Ellie??

I can't wait to eventually see her in person :)

Four peas in a pod said...

She and Ellie have different personalities. Audrey is really laid back. However, lately she seems to be developing a laid back but strong personality, if that makes sense. She also seems "tougher". Ellie is very sensitive. Both are incredibly good and have great dispositions. I'm really excited about the women they will eventually become. I feel good about our parenting, so far! :-)


Anonymous said...

what 'rosé red cheeks' Audrey has...sounds like she is dong very well...what fun they will have playing together ...........

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Audrey, you are growing up so fast. Please slow down and stay snuggly so we can shower you with lots of love.

Princess-R-Us said...

She's so precious! I know what you mean about the whole nursing thing! lol I nursed all three girls for about 11 months and luckily they only bit a few times, or it would've been bottle time! lol It'll be fun for Ellie as Audrey gets older and wants to "play" with her. :) Our Ellie loves playing with her sisters and as they get older the age gap seems to get smaller and smaller. You both are truly blessed. :) It's so fun to see their personalities blossom. :)