Saturday, March 8, 2008

Burns, bruises, and bumps

It's been a tough few days for the P-C household. On Thursday, I spilled a cup of very hot tea down my arm, belly, and leg at dinner time. The pain was shocking but fortunately it is only a first degree burn. It made for a very uncomfortable night but when I woke up the next morning, what I thought were going to be blisters were gone. Now my arm just looks like it is very badly sunburned.

(Why, you ask, was I drinking hot tea with dinner? The tea was my dinner. The good news this week is that my nausea is much improved so I have stopped taking medication for it. The only problem is that I am still somewhat nauseous throughout the day so tea for dinner sounded good. It's lost its appeal now.)

Tonight as we were heading upstairs for Ellie's bedtime, she was doing her usual nighttime practice of running around the living room. She was going so fast that she tripped on her own feet and fell into the book case. She hit her forehead on the corner and has a huge bruise and bump already growing. She has been quite a trouper though about putting the ice pack on so we are hopeful that it will not be terrible tomorrow. She cried and cried when it happened and then 5 minutes later, she jumped off my lap and wanted to do something else. Kids are so resilient!

Ellie holding her special kids' cold pack on her boo boo. I don't know what these packs are called but they are fantastic (we got it as a gift). You keep them in the fridge so that they are cold all the time and ready for a night like this. Ellie liked it because it's a silly character that she got to hold.

For now, we are all laying in bed together recuperating - Ellie from the fall and her parents from the heart attacks we had when she fell. Now Mommy is just worried that it's her turn for an injury tomorrow!


johnna said...

Ouch! You guys be careful! Make this Slow Down Sunday. We love you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no! She has been pretty lucky in the accident department. It has to happen now and then, but everyone discovers, just as you said, how resilient kids really are! Thank goodness you are both okay. Lori, don't walk under any ladders today:)