Sunday, June 10, 2007

New red wagon

(by JPC)

We all spent Saturday at Mimi and Boppa's house. Lori had an appointment with the eye doctor and Jana studied; meanwhile Ellie had lots of fun! The hit of the weekend was Ellie's new red wagon. Ellie has been saying "Boppa" for a while now, but this week she also started saying "Mimi". She asked for both of them the whole way home!

Hittin' the road in her new sunglasses (or as Ellie calls them her "eyes")

The first ride in her wagon after "helping" Boppa put it together

Going for a walk with Boppa

Feet up and relaxing!

Thank you, Mimi and Boppa!


3dingsandadog said...

Does life really get much better than this??

Anonymous said...

Now Cinderella has the carriage she deserves!! She even has a driver! Nothing could be cuter than Ellie in her wagon.

Four peas in a pod said...

Ahhhh...Grandparents! Now I understand the "spoil 'em and send them back to the parents" !!!

