Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Story Hour

(By JPC)

Last weekend Ellie and I went to her first story hour at the library. Once a week they have a story hour specifically for kids under age 2. Ellie was a little shy around the other kids, which surprised me since she loves the kids at day care, but she loved listening to the nursery rhymes. I brought my camera with me just in case there was an opportunity to photograph this big event, but I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for the library. No worries - as soon as the story teller was done reading, 95% of the moms (yes, it was only moms) whipped out their digital cameras to capture their little ones running around the library. What a sign of the times! We even took a picture using the cell phone to send to Lori :-)

Ready to leave for the library

Looking for a good place to sit
Playing after story hour is over
Showing off the stamp she got on her hand from the story teller for being a good listener!


3dingsandadog said...

Enjoy the moment! One minute you are taking them to story time and the next they are reading chapter books on their own! I miss that!


Anonymous said...

I am SURE she is going to be a good reader! I just know it!!!!