Sunday, December 13, 2009

Pajama party

Twice a year, the girls' school hosts a "Parents' Night Out". They always do one in December so parents can catch up on holiday preparations. This Friday night we dropped the girls off at school in their PJs and they were excited! School provides them with Happy Meals for dinner (Ellie's second meal from McD's) and then they watch movies. Lori and I enjoyed a rare happy hour with friends from work and then had dinner at our favorite Thai place. Because the girls were so excited about the pajama party at school (which is how we sold it to them!), I let them wear their Christmas PJs all day, including a trip to Target :-)


3dingsandadog said...

How cute are they!!! I bet they had a great time and you guys did too!!

Mimi said...

Aunt Irene did a great job with those pajamas! Just missing Cousin Addie!