Sunday, June 28, 2009


We got home Sunday night from a wonderful weekend in Boston! We went up for my cousin's engagement party on Friday night, which was held at an amazing place with an incomparable view of Boston. Friends and fmaily came from near and far to be there and we had so much fun reconnecting with everyone. On Saturday we went to a BBQ at another cousin's house outside of Boston and had such a nice day hanging out with part of our large extended family. We were all sad to leave!

Lori and Audrey at the engagement party

Fun cousins visiting from Guam

Ellie with my cousin

Some of the family at the party

Ellie met her 4 year old second cousin at the party and they instantly fell in love! They had so much fun together. In this picture they're chasing each other around and around a big table while Audrey watched.

They chased each other until they collapsed!

On Saturday morning Audrey went for her first swim.

Audrey at the barbecue on Saturday

Princess Ellie and her princess cousin

They spent a lot of time chasing each other around again on Saturday!

Cousins in the "girl tent"

Ellie and her soon-to-be-married cousin

Audrey has watermelon for the first time and we're all thankful that it washes out of white!



calif. mom said...

sure looks like it was a wonderful family reunion....times to always remember...and it looked like the weather was good! enjoyed seeing all the pic.

Mimi said...

And it was even better than it looks!!! Loved the cousin princesses!! You can see on Ellie's face how truly happy she is with a boa wrapped around her neck and a crown on her head and her sweet, sweet cousin beside her.